Closing One Chapter, Beginning Another

This week is the last week of classes…….


GIF from the movie The Sandlot


I am excited to start a new journey into “real life.” I will be graduating from college in May and can’t believe how fast my four years have gone. It has been the best four years of my life and I am so thankful for all of the friends I have made. I could not have done all that I have without the support from my family and friends throughout the years. I have made mistakes and learned and grown from them. I have accepted things that I know I can’t change, and have grown an optimistic outlook on life because of the choices I have made. I have gained my independence through my college career and have established a strong sense of self. It has been an excruciatingly challenging journey as an English major, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am grateful for the friends and contacts I have made through journalism and my student newspaper. I will never forget those who have helped me along the way and have made me a better and stronger person.  I feel like it was just yesterday that I was crossing the stage at my High School graduation, and now, in a few weeks I will be crossing an even bigger stage into the next chapter of my life. I will leave this post with a quote one of my High School teachers had told me just before my graduation four years ago. It is a Maya Angelou quote that I will never forget. Thank you, everyone.



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Until Next Time…
